Data Wrangling

Why data-wrangling

If you can wrangle data into the proper form you can do anything with it…

Data-wrangling is absolutely essential for every data science task where we need to work with collected data.

A recent article from the New York Times said “Data scientists, according to interviews and expert estimates, spend from 50 percent to 80 percent of their time mired in the mundane labor of collecting and preparing data, before it can be explored for useful information.”

An excelent talk on data wrangling by Jenny Bryan:

It is important to highlight the following facts;
- Excellent data wrangling skills will allow you to make R tools “flow” into one another.
- Different functions require different input formats and so do different solutions!
- The correct shape for the data will greatly simplify the stats needed to solve a problem.
- For example where you would have looped over data you can now simply aggregate
- For example where you would have repeated a model or visualization you now apply it over a hierarchy!
- Being data fluent will allow you to come up with innovative solutions!

The basics - tabular data examples

Here we will use an example of grocery store data.

Import data

What does the data look like?:

dummy_data <- 

dummy_data %>% glimpse
## Observations: 1,000
## Variables: 10
## $ customer_no  <chr> "49ef700455a56debe3214598663330f6", "210d4179edb2...
## $ spend_month  <dttm> 2012-12-01, 2012-12-01, 2012-12-01, 2012-12-01, ...
## $ store_counts <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1...
## $ visits_count <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1...
## $ item_sum     <int> 1, NA, 6, 4, 1, 1, 1, NA, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, NA, 2...
## $ discount_sum <dbl> 0.00, 0.00, 4.05, 0.00, 0.00, 6.90, NA, 0.00, 10....
## $ spend_sum    <dbl> 40.00, 15.90, 41.90, 117.96, NA, 43.25, 31.90, 18...
## $ spend_day    <chr> "Fri", "Wed", "Wed", "Sun", "Fri", "Wed", "Wed", ...
## $ spend_time   <chr> "afternoon", "afternoon", "evening", "lunch", "ev...
## $ spend_type   <chr> "protein", "non_cash", "prepared_and_deli", "dair...

Reshaping to answer a question

The basics


What if I asked you; “Show me the spend in each spend_time on a customer level”.

For a person and also for some models you will need to widen the data. By ‘widen’ we mean adding columns. Humans read better when you describe an obeservation using columns after all…

To widen this data we use the function tidyr::spread

dummy_data %>% 
  select(customer_no,spend_time,spend_sum) %>% 
  tidyr::spread(key = spend_time, value = spend_sum, fill = 0) 
## # A tibble: 998 x 6
##    customer_no                      afternoon evening lunch morning `<NA>`
##    <chr>                                <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 001dc4f17ad2f7999c215ac147ad9a13       0       0    0       93.0      0
##  2 0020cab9597c12589249daa13a1427a8      30.8     0    0        0        0
##  3 0068525ef1d0d392ad3e97602511551a      59.9     0    0        0        0
##  4 00d75bffda7ea469a511c891a28b2df2       0       0   25.0      0        0
##  5 011aec649b655991c2835f151188c54e       0       0    0        0        0
##  6 014dd528202b032a46564f63100ced5c       0       0    0      422        0
##  7 015392d5b1b6e0b63a4ca5ce1139d4ac       0      30.0  0        0        0
##  8 01948501615939ecb5a8c49af2ab45dd       0       0    0       13.0      0
##  9 01a86d2dba1514e5a92ecb38b408bbe8      43.8     0    0        0        0
## 10 0210fe573d0e13b2cd68cabe31d3a94c       0       0    7.90     0        0
## # ... with 988 more rows

What were the averages for these metrics?

wide_summarised <- 
  dummy_data %>% 
  select(customer_no,spend_time,spend_sum) %>% 
  tidyr::spread(key = spend_time, value = spend_sum, fill = 0) %>% 

## # A tibble: 1 x 5
##   afternoon evening lunch morning `<NA>`
##       <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1      19.8    13.5  21.1    20.9  0.271

Moving back to long format

This was very basic, but what if we wanted to do this in reverse?
Of course we can do the exact opposite using tidyr::gather

Let’s visualize the spend in each time category by moving back to the less natural ‘long’ format. Functions generally become more powerful the longer we can shape the data since they naturally scan vectors of columns

wide_summarised %>% 
  tidyr::gather(key = "time_category", value = "average_spend") %>% 
  ggplot(aes( x = time_category, y = average_spend))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

With the wide format we would need to plot each column individually but now we can do them altogether.

Bit of both

What if I asked you “Show me all the time interactions for numeric variables on a customer level”

Let’s look at the releavant data for spend again:

dummy_data %>% 
## # A tibble: 1,000 x 5
##    store_counts visits_count item_sum discount_sum spend_sum
##           <int>        <int>    <int>        <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1            1            1        1         0         40.0
##  2            1            1       NA         0         15.9
##  3            1            1        6         4.05      41.9
##  4            1            1        4         0        118  
##  5            1            1        1         0         NA  
##  6            1            1        1         6.90      43.2
##  7            1            1        1        NA         31.9
##  8            1            1       NA         0        186  
##  9            1            1        4        10.0       14.0
## 10            1            1        1        NA         15.0
## # ... with 990 more rows

How would I wrangle out the interactions?
Well one way is to name the interactions by gathering the relevant metrics together before we widen them

dummy_data %>% 
  select(store_counts,item_sum,discount_sum,spend_sum,customer_no,spend_time) %>% 
  gather(key = "metric", value = "value",-customer_no, -spend_time) %>% 
  mutate(interaction = paste0(spend_time,"_",metric)) %>% 
  spread(key = interaction,value = value) 
## # A tibble: 4,000 x 23
##    customer_no      spend_time metric   afternoon_discou… afternoon_item_…
##    <chr>            <chr>      <chr>                <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1 001dc4f17ad2f79… morning    discoun…              NA              NA   
##  2 001dc4f17ad2f79… morning    item_sum              NA              NA   
##  3 001dc4f17ad2f79… morning    spend_s…              NA              NA   
##  4 001dc4f17ad2f79… morning    store_c…              NA              NA   
##  5 0020cab9597c125… afternoon  discoun…              15.0            NA   
##  6 0020cab9597c125… afternoon  item_sum              NA               3.00
##  7 0020cab9597c125… afternoon  spend_s…              NA              NA   
##  8 0020cab9597c125… afternoon  store_c…              NA              NA   
##  9 0068525ef1d0d39… afternoon  discoun…              NA              NA   
## 10 0068525ef1d0d39… afternoon  item_sum              NA               5.00
## # ... with 3,990 more rows, and 18 more variables:
## #   afternoon_spend_sum <dbl>, afternoon_store_counts <dbl>,
## #   evening_discount_sum <dbl>, evening_item_sum <dbl>,
## #   evening_spend_sum <dbl>, evening_store_counts <dbl>,
## #   lunch_discount_sum <dbl>, lunch_item_sum <dbl>, lunch_spend_sum <dbl>,
## #   lunch_store_counts <dbl>, morning_discount_sum <dbl>,
## #   morning_item_sum <dbl>, morning_spend_sum <dbl>,
## #   morning_store_counts <dbl>, NA_discount_sum <dbl>, NA_item_sum <dbl>,
## #   NA_spend_sum <dbl>, NA_store_counts <dbl>
  # arrange(-afternoon_spend_sum)

Changing a problem

Let’s say for instance we have the following data:

dummy_data_2 <- 
tibble(shop = LETTERS,
       churn_rate = runif(26, 0, 1),
       attrition = runif(26, 0, 1),
       join_rate = runif(26, 0, 1),
       sales = rnorm(1,mean = 5, sd = 3)*runif(26,10^2,10^4))

## # A tibble: 26 x 5
##    shop  churn_rate attrition join_rate sales
##    <chr>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 A         0.986     0.506    0.447    3409
##  2 B         0.588     0.0882   0.637   42124
##  3 C         0.804     0.0999   0.0627   9262
##  4 D         0.233     0.192    0.469   35910
##  5 E         0.0441    0.292    0.0621  13394
##  6 F         0.0300    0.675    0.656   32413
##  7 G         0.991     0.152    0.826   20847
##  8 H         0.141     0.895    0.395   51524
##  9 I         0.970     0.220    0.00620  9599
## 10 J         0.834     0.587    0.182    4008
## # ... with 16 more rows

If we wanted to take the each shop row and multiply the columns together to find the multiplicative affect how would we do it?

One way to do this is to use some form of apply function:

dummy_data_2 %>%
  select(-1) %>% 
  apply(function(x) prod(x),MARGIN = 1)
##  [1]   758.97678  1391.16293    46.65377   755.62063    10.71378
##  [6]   430.42521  2589.78481  2566.70058    12.69749   357.94699
## [11] 11380.89775  2404.21539  7869.61525   141.64731   364.92837
## [16] 14655.70645   517.01111  1075.52391  2197.33395   120.62184
## [21]   246.22134   120.96861    42.18102  2226.17664    43.17457
## [26]  5226.73185

This feels sort of ugly and returns a vector… We would prefer to remain type stable here inside a dataframe.

We could simply reshape this data so that we are infact summarizing over rows not columns:

dummy_data_2 %>% 
  gather(key = "metric", value = "value",-shop) %>% 
  group_by(shop) %>% 
  summarise(prod = value %>% prod)
## # A tibble: 26 x 2
##    shop    prod
##    <chr>  <dbl>
##  1 A      759  
##  2 B     1391  
##  3 C       46.7
##  4 D      756  
##  5 E       10.7
##  6 F      430  
##  7 G     2590  
##  8 H     2567  
##  9 I       12.7
## 10 J      358  
## # ... with 16 more rows

By reshaping the data we remain inside of a tidy context while leveraging our sql like backend dplyr to solve the problem

Advanced wrangling

How do we use wrangling when the data and the question become more complex?

Let’s follow through the examples given by Jenny Brian on the Game Of Thrones data

About the data

Here we have a dataset api that we can use to pull data out about any Game Of Thrones character.

The api can be found via:

Let’s look at what we get if we ask for some jason data on all the characters (1 entry):

data_characters_request <-
  # httr::GET(url = "")
  httr::GET(url = "")

data_characters <- 
  data_characters_request %>%

## $url
## [1] ""
## $name
## [1] ""
## $gender
## [1] "Female"
## $culture
## [1] "Braavosi"
## $born
## [1] ""
## $died
## [1] ""
## $titles
## $titles[[1]]
## [1] ""
## $aliases
## $aliases[[1]]
## [1] "The Daughter of the Dusk"
## $father
## [1] ""
## $mother
## [1] ""
## $spouse
## [1] ""
## $allegiances
## list()
## $books
## $books[[1]]
## [1] ""
## $povBooks
## list()
## $tvSeries
## $tvSeries[[1]]
## [1] ""
## $playedBy
## $playedBy[[1]]
## [1] ""

What info did we recieve from the api?

data_characters[[1]] %>% names
##  [1] "url"         "name"        "gender"      "culture"     "born"       
##  [6] "died"        "titles"      "aliases"     "father"      "mother"     
## [11] "spouse"      "allegiances" "books"       "povBooks"    "tvSeries"   
## [16] "playedBy"

Let’s get all the data from the api:

extract_api_data <- function(page = 1) {
  data_characters_request <-
  httr::GET(url = paste0("",page)) %>% 

all_pages <- 

all_pages %>% 

OK, so we have a nested structure of data describing each GOT character…

Let’s see which characters we have in here…

# data_characters <- 
#   all_pages %>% 
#   unlist(recursive = FALSE)

data_characters %>% 
  map("name") %>% 
## [[1]]
## [1] "Wyl"
## [[2]]
## [1] "Wyl"
## [[3]]
## [1] "Wylla"
## [[4]]
## [1] "Xaro Xhoan Daxos"
## [[5]]
## [1] "Xhondo"
## [[6]]
## [1] "Yandry"
## [[7]]
## [1] "Ygon"
## [[8]]
## [1] "Ygritte"
## [[9]]
## [1] "Yna"
## [[10]]
## [1] "Yorkel"
## [[11]]
## [1] "Yorko Terys"
## [[12]]
## [1] "Yormwell"
## [[13]]
## [1] "Young Henly"
## [[14]]
## [1] "Ysilla"
## [[15]]
## [1] "Zarabelo"
## [[16]]
## [1] "Zei"
## [[17]]
## [1] "Zekko"
## [[18]]
## [1] "Zharaq zo Loraq"
## [[19]]
## [1] "Zollo"
## [[20]]
## [1] "Criston Cole"

Put this into a dataframe:

GOT_df <-
  map_df(data_characters,`[`, c("name","gender","culture","born","died")) %>%
    mutate(titles = data_characters %>% map("titles"))

GOT_df %>% sample_n(20)
## # A tibble: 20 x 6
##    name             gender culture   born            died          titles 
##    <chr>            <chr>  <chr>     <chr>           <chr>         <list> 
##  1 Mezzara          Female Ghiscari  At Meereen      ""            <list …
##  2 Daeron Targaryen Male   ""        In 114 AC       In 130 AC, a… <list …
##  3 Dake             Male   ""        ""              At Coldmoat   <list …
##  4 Robin Hill       Male   ""        ""              ""            <list …
##  5 Steffon Swyft    Male   ""        ""              ""            <list …
##  6 Tyrion Tanner    Male   ""        In 300 AC, at … ""            <list …
##  7 Drennan          Male   Ironborn  ""              In 299 AC, a… <list …
##  8 Dacey Mormont    Female Northmen  In or between … In 299 AC, a… <list …
##  9 Wat              Male   ""        ""              ""            <list …
## 10 Agrivane         Male   ""        ""              ""            <list …
## 11 Jeyne Swann      Female ""        ""              ""            <list …
## 12 Bronn            Male   ""        In or between … ""            <list …
## 13 Tregar           Male   ""        ""              In 298 AC, a… <list …
## 14 Luthor Tyrell    Male   ""        ""              ""            <list …
## 15 Layna            Female ""        In or between … ""            <list …
## 16 Edwyd Fossoway   Male   ""        ""              In 299 AC, a… <list …
## 17 Elys Westerling  Male   ""        ""              ""            <list …
## 18 Kyleg            Male   Free Folk ""              ""            <list …
## 19 Aggo             Male   Dothraki  ""              ""            <list …
## 20 Sarra Frey       Female ""        In 285 AC       ""            <list …

So we can pull out the data from these nested lists into other columns or even apply models to them…

Let’s visualize the cultures of all the characters:

GOT_df %>% 
  filter(culture != "") %>% 
  # select(-data_char) %>% 
  geom_bar(aes(x = culture, y = ..count.., fill = culture))+
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))+

OK, so in this sample sent back from the api we have this distribution of characters by cultures.

How many people died?

GOT_df %>% 
  filter(culture != "") %>% 
  mutate(died = ifelse(died == "",0,1)) %>% 
  # select(-data_char) %>% 
  geom_bar(aes(y = died, x = culture, fill = culture), stat = "identity")+
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))+

What’s the probability of dying if you have some sort of title:

GOT_df %>% 
  mutate(died = ifelse(died == "",FALSE,TRUE)) %>% 
  mutate(has_title = titles %>% map_lgl(~ifelse(any(.x != ""), TRUE, FALSE))) %>% 
  group_by(has_title,died) %>% 
  tally %>% 
  spread(key = died, value = n, sep = "_") %>% 
  mutate(prob_of_dying = died_TRUE/(died_TRUE+died_FALSE))
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
## # Groups:   has_title [2]
##   has_title died_FALSE died_TRUE prob_of_dying
##   <lgl>          <int>     <int>         <dbl>
## 1 F                797       251         0.240
## 2 T                784       302         0.278